Hello everyone! I am Klay Teegardin. I am a proud UTSA graduate and work as an associate software developer. My girlfriend’s name is Leslie Lopez; together we own Corgigardin. We’ve always been in love with corgis. In my sophomore year in college, we made our dream come true by getting Kane. Since we got Kane, we cannot imagine our lives without him. The love and joy he brings is something that we want to share, hence why we started Corgigardin. The only thing that brings us more happiness than Kane, is seeing Kane’s puppies bringing that same exuberance to other households. Since getting Kane, we also got Lilia. She and Kane make an inseparable corgi duo that melts our heart with every interaction. I hope you enjoy our site, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, suggestions, or puppy pics of your own!

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